Assistive Devices

With the development of digital and wireless technologies, more and more devices are becoming available to help people with hearing problems. Visit one of our locations today to browse our selection of listening devices.

Amplified Phones

This device uses advanced technology to make every word clear. In addition, amplified phones eliminate virtually all kinds of distortion, unwanted static noise, and echo effects. The phone settings allow you to selectively enhance the tone of difficult-to-hear words, making conversations easier for you to understand.

FM Systems

FM technology refers to a wireless system that is designed to help people better understand speech in noisy environments. Commonly, FM systems work together with a user’s hearing aids. However, FM systems are also available for people with otherwise normal hearing.

Personal Amplifying Systems

We sell the Pocket Talker, which is a personal amplifying system. The device amplifies sounds that are closest to you while reducing background noise.

The Pocket Talker features an ergonomic, lightweight design for ease of use and portability. It also has fingertip-adjustable volume controls so that you can quickly change the settings to your listening environment.

Alerting Devices

Alerting devices are special fire alarms and alarm clocks that have exceptionally loud, volume-controlled rings. Additionally, some of these devices have frequency controls, allowing you to choose a frequency you can hear well.

Hearing Aid Batteries

Available Sizes: 10, 312, 13, and 675
When you purchase our batteries, you can enjoy the best sound for your hearing aids and forget about frequent battery changes. Our batteries have a patented cathode technology, so they have a long service life with a guaranteed high cell voltage. Each individual cell is tested for its mechanical and electrical characteristics in accordance with its specifications.