Our Professional Staff

Our experienced providers are committed to a high standard of patient care and are here for you throughout every stage of your hearing journey.

Who We Are

What sets us apart from the competition is that we are a small, family-owned hearing clinic. When you turn to us, our staff will treat you like family and take the time to build a relationship with you. Additionally, our team will pay attention to all of your auditory needs to ensure that you leave our office satisfied.

At Hi-Definition Hearing, we make sure that our clients are educated on how hearing and hearing instruments work. By doing so, we help our patients feel more comfortable about wearing hearing aids, as well as have realistic expectations on our hearing solutions.

staff introduction image professional holding otoscope

Meet Our Provider

Louis Kanavos

Louis Kanavos, HIS

Hearing Instrument Specialist

“My experience as a Hearing Instrument Specialist has been so rewarding. It has given me a sense of compassion, which allows me to give the gift of hearing every single day I step into my office. I’ve always believed that when a client sits in my office and needs an adjustment to their hearing aids, I am the most important person in the world when it comes to their hearing. My fine-tuning skills have to be precise and exact, and patience is a must. The Hearing Instrument Specialist or Audiologist must never show frustration toward a client and always remain calm. Just imagine what the client must be feeling like. If the client is not happy with the way the hearing instrument sounds, then I am not doing my job as a Hearing Instrument Specialist.”

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